Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Facebook turning into Pornbook

Our beloved social networking site Facebook has now turned into Pornbook?
Facebook users have been really alarmed seeing porn photos on their news feeds.

I just found out about this today because of my friends' tweets , but i already saw photos on my news feed the other day . i wasn't really paying much attention to it since people posted, commented and liked such photos on facebook before too (i think twas 2 years ago) .

until my friend tweeted about it, so i tried to get online again on fb (which i don't do much anymore cause i got bored there) , and checked it out . then i saw tons of photos of girls naked on my news feed O______O and reposted statuses saying "attention fb users: hackers have entered fb" etc ..

i don't think there's a way of knowing if you got hacked since what usually happens (as what ive observed) is that hackers are using FB ACCOUNTS to LIKE porn photos . and a user won't be able to see if they liked that certain photo unless they have other accounts and see it on their news feed . i also noticed that the accounts that are being used to liking those photos, are the ones who reposts the same status.

but then again, those are just my observations .

not only porn photos are posted, but animal abused photos too as well as gory photos .
--- actually , animal abused photos and gory photos aren't that new O_O really . ive seen a lot of it being shared on fb . so , not new. those photos are being shared out of pity and so that their friends will be aware.

im not sure what happened though, but Mark Zuckerberg and his team are probably working on a solution right now. (i hope)

for now, just be aware that there are some kind of VIRUS SPREADING DISEASE porn photos going on on facebook . and stop clicking suspicious links via facebook O_O

not everyone's news feeds are full of porn photos, only some . i tried to use my "fandom" acct which has kpop loving friends, and there's no sign of porn photos .

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1 comment:

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