Sunday, January 3, 2016

2 of 366 | First Saturday of the Year

How was your New Year? Mine was okay. Spent it with my family, but I'm thinking of spending it with other people next year. I have 363 days to think about that though haha

taken around 8AM
Yesterday was technically my first working day of the year. On my way to work (only 5mins away from my house btw), I noticed it was pretty cloudy, looked like it was about to rain. Great way to start the day! haha To be honest, living in a tropical country made me love gloomy weathers. It's just that MOST of the time, it's so sunny and hot. It sucks when you go out fresh, and arrive at your destination sweating. Yesterday was different though :) It was gloomy all day long.

taken around 5:30PM

I had a very good day at work yesterday. I was worried during the holidays though because I got a lot of reports that needed to be done. I was able to get everything done by the end of the day! HURRAY! :D

Not only did I have a good day at work, but a good day in general :) Met up with my college buddies and decided to have a drinking session to celebrate the new year. It's better late than never *winks* Before we went to the bar though, we stopped by some balot vendor. I can't even remember the last time I ate one! I didn't like feeling the beak and the bones of the duckling *bleh*, however, I wanted to try it once again after how many years. Made me dream about the ducklings afterwards though ~_~

balot for 15php

le friends - Lab2 & Janine

And the rest is history! haha Was so tired to go home after hanging out with them that me, Lab2, and Hancel decided to check-in at a hotel nearby. First time experience for me. I had tons of fun! :D

L-R (Adin, Lab2, Janine, Me & Hancel) @ Reggae Grill, Torres

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